
It may be that I have nothing at all.
It may be that I seem woeful and poor.
Perhaps I am cursed or perhaps I am blessed.

It may be that I am abandoned by family and friend.

Some say I am hated while others say I am loved.
Some tell me truth and others only lie.

Yes, I am  dead,
but i'm aslo alive.

So let me teach you what i've learned:

Humble yourselves all you who seek truth!
Open your mind and listen!

I laid on the floor,
naked and torn,
and realized what I have been missing!

In humility I found truth!

Now I won't look up and I won't look down.
I refuse to turn my head to the left or to the right.

And I won't get up either,
because in a strange way,
I just want to stay.
And face down on a cold floor
is the only proper place for a man like me.

And although I am dead, I have never been so alive.
Although I am down, I am at my highest.
Although I cry, my soul is rejoicing!
Although I have nothing, I am immensely rich!
Although I am woeful, I am completely overjoyed!
Although I am abandoned, I am not alone.
Although I am hated, I am truly loved.

And here among the humble,
YHWH's Spirit Reigns Supreme
because our minds our opened,
the status quo is no more.