
When will it cease?
When will I at last find relief?

Oh how wicked my enemies are!
They twist the Truth and love lies!

When will I finally be freed?

My Father said to me,
"Although they try they will not succeed.
Although they attack, they're attack will fail."

"My enemies are thieves!
They steal what is not theirs!"

"My enemies are liars!
They Twist The Truth!"

"They're efforts are in vain!
They're destruction is already determined!"

"See how they enslave My people,
like children under oppressive rule?"

"See how they crush My people,
like slaves in a foreign land?"

"My fury boils over!
My rage is bubbling sulfur!"

"My daughter will be freed!
My beloved will be mine again!"

So I shouted:

"Yah Is Alive!"

"The Truth can never vanish!"

I shouted louder:

"Yah Is Alive!"

"The Words of YHWH will stand forever!"

Yah is my Rock!
He is the Stone Wall I hide behind!
The Bunker that keeps me safe!

Yah is my Protector!
My Armor of Iron!
My Bullet Proof Vest!

Even when touching only His shadow,
still I know that I am completely safe!

No one can harm me!

I am His loyal subject.
I am His royal possession.

All that I have is from Him!
All that I have is His!

"Oh how wicked My enemies are!
They steal what is Mine and make My Torah void!"

"Although they try, they will not succeed.
Although they attack, they're attack will fail."