I have fallen so low!
I've been dragged deep below,
to the gallows- and thrown into a pit!
It's all my fault!
I did the wrong,
And now I am constantly
being accused.
The enemy wants me!
He's licking his lips.
And I know that I deserve whatever I get.
I am like a bone
that this drooling dog awaits.
He'll tear me to shreds
the first chance that he gets!
Why am I so foolish?
Why do I do what is wrong?
I hand you a weapon,
for I am not strong.
My heart deceived me
and I listened again!
I am the fool one more time!
From the bottom of this pit,
I can only look up.
From this cold, damp floor
I cry to you again!
Rescue me!
Please rescue me!
Oh my God, rescue me!