"Victory is Mine!"
"Victory is Mine", said YHWH!
All that has been made, praises YHWH!
All that is to be, praises YHWH!
Let everything that is, that has been and that will ever be,
keep praising YHWH forever and ever and ever!
There is no other like our Creator!
He is the only one!
He is Merciful, Loving and Perfect!
There is no fault in Him!
If anyone should attempt to defy Him,
they could never succeed!
Who can tamper with perfection?
Who can do better then perfect?
The workings of YHWH are strong and secure!
His Torah will be revered forever!
There is no other like Him!
Praise YHWH heaven and earth!
Righteousness will reign forever and ever and ever and ever!
For this is deserving and just!
Praise YHWH!