
Oh Majestic,
and Almighty,
how we've thrown your Torah down!

So now we're empty,
and forsaken.
Our lives have come undone!

We've nowhere to look but up,
nowhere to crawl but down.
We've nothing to love but misery,
nothing to hold but loss.

Yet although I'm nothing,
You say i'm something.
You lift me though I've fallen down.

You'll close the door
to my pathetic agony.
You'll light the path
that I walk in the night.

I want to bathe in your sunlight!
I want to soak up your rays!
I want to talk to you when I'm lonely
and feel the comfort from what you say!

I want to bind you to my inside
and imbed you in my mind!
I want to live the ways of Your righteousness
and guard my eyes from being blind!

Purify my inside,
both my heart and my mind!
Search closely, search my inside,
so nothing can hide!
And purify!

My heart is aching,
It keeps on crying.
My dying soul screams like a child!

A strangled love is always thrown away,
but the heart that searches will be found!

Do not flee,
And do not run, my child!
Your day will finally come!
Cling to patience!
Your rescue awaits,
when all is done!

Oh my child!
Oh my child!

Purify your inside,
your heart and your mind!
Search your inside,
so nothing can hide!
Purify your inside!