Oh how I love You Yah, with all of my heart!
Everything about You is what I want to be!
Like a child adores to his father,
so I adore to You!
I want to cling to You
because I love You so much!
When I am alone, I seek You
because I can’t bear to be without You!
I need to feel You near me
because Your Presence is my Comfort and my Strength!
You are a Gentle Mountain Stream
that satisfies my deepest thirst.
You are a Mighty Mountain,
the Strong Arm that carries me!
I love everything about You Yah,
because You are Righteous in every single way.
Oh Yah, how I love Your people!
I love everyone who loves You!
Your people are my people
because I am a friend to everyone who loves Righteousness!
Oh how I love those with a humble heart
but arrogance is wickedness and it sickens me!
So I said to my beloved daughter:
Pride is like a lion that
lies silently in the tall grass
waiting to ambush its next victim;
to consume it as prey!
You can't see it
but it's there.
You don't understand it
because it is deceptive.
Run away from it!
Run far away before it consumes you!
The Righteous stay close to YHWH
because they know where their strength comes from.
They execute their own heart
and instead live according to His!
Oh how cunning are a persons own feelings,
that is why I run to YHWH!
Oh how my evil heart longs to destroy me
but I will cling to YHWH!
A fool calls me foolish because I refuse to act on feelings,
but a wise man calls me wise because I trust in the Spirit of Torah!
Oh let my heart be crushed forever,
because I hate every evil thing!
From my deepest parts I plead for Yah’s Perfection!
Oh my soul,
how it longs to obey YHWH!
YHWH is like a Fountain of Peace for all who truly trust Him!
He is a place of rest for the broken hearted who put their hope in Him!
Oh how He loves a humble heart!
He draws near to those who refuse themselves,
and instead trust in Him!
He answers when they call!
When they cry, He is quick to act on their behalf!
Sing for joy all of His people!
Shout at the top of your lungs!
All of my days I will praise Yah
because He is my Foundation and my Hope!
Praise Yah!