Who has seen Righteousness?
Who knows the wonders You have made?
Through dense darkness You created Light.
And used for right what men have meant for wrong.

The humble mans humilty allows him to arise and walk
but the self-righteousness of the foolish man brings to dust.

The Righteous man will be raised to a prosperous life,
despite temporary falls brought on by wicked men.

An honest man makes truth-seeking his priority,
his open-mind never deserts him!
Never afraid of change nor potential discoveries,
he continually searches for truth, for life!

From the depths I learned Your ways.
From the dirt I was made a man.
From failure I tasted weakness.
From wisdom I recognized my foolishness.

Won’t the wicked crumble
and all that is evil be crushed?
The self righteous are right in their own eyes
but YHWH weighs the heart!

We are all like wild animals.
Not knowing where we come from or where we go.

Led by straying hearts we search for joy,
but we only find deep valleys of desperate pain!

Who has understanding?
Who has seen the truth?
Let him lead us through lifea desert
and bring us to fresh springs of water.

My heart is feeble.
I am weak and diseased.
I know so little and my thoughts are numb.

But listen,
a voice is shouting (though not all can hear).
It is calling out from up High,
“Stand up! Do not fear meager man!”

Yah, don’t let me be afraid!
My trust is lacking and I need Your Strength!
Put Your Spirit within me YHWH!
Cause me to do Your Will.

Your drink strengthens me.
I am made strong by Your Commands.
When You Speak the atmosphere breaks apart.
And Your Will will surely done accordingly.

Praise Yah!