Cause Me

Cause me to love you oh Yah,
because I don't love You nearly enough.
If I truly love You,
then why don't I obey You properly?

Protect me from self righteous obedience.
Don't let my heart fall into self righteous traps.

I am a whore- I admit it.
My heart cheats on You- with me.
It chooses me over You.
Oh how I hate this!
This is SO wrong of me to do!

My heart belongs to You YHWH!
It was created by You and
it was created for You!

Cause me to serve You with my whole heart,
in Your Rightness and in Your Truth!
Cause me to obey all of Your Torah- Your Words!

Put in me a new heart,
a heart that truly loves You!

A Heart that is humble, faithful and True!

Cause me to love You properly Yah!
Cause me to obey You because of perfect love for You!

This is my plea- my prayer,
my main request to You:
Cause me to truly love You above all else!

Father Yah, You placed within me understanding.
Now cause me to truly love You with a right heart,
so that the understanding You have given me will not be in vain!